About Me

I'm a Creative Arts for Theatre and Film student, attending the University for the Creative Arts in Rochester. I work with all kinds of media and materials and like to keep an open mind regarding art and my creations.

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Great Expectations - Final Shoot

These are a collection of images from my final shoot for the set of Miss Havisham's house.  
I designed, built and dressed the entire set myself.
 Overview of whole scene
Close up of wedding cake, made from polystyrene covered with icing and decorated with icing frills, twists and roses, then dressed with cobwebs.
Close up of sourced props (pewter tea set) dressed with cobwebs and grated chalk for dust

 Plaque made for the fire place, designed for the set. "SATIS" was the name of Miss Havisham's house, by creating the plaque it gave the scene more of an identity. 

 More pictures from the shoot

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