About Me

I'm a Creative Arts for Theatre and Film student, attending the University for the Creative Arts in Rochester. I work with all kinds of media and materials and like to keep an open mind regarding art and my creations.

Monday 14 November 2011

Curiouser and Curiouser

Current project at university is Adaptation, using an extract from a book and creating my own version of the prop, I have chosen Alice's Adventures in Wonderland after she has fallen down the rabbit hole and comes across a "three legged table" a "little golden key" a bottle with a label that says "drink me" and a cake with the words "eat me" written on it in currents.

The title for the project is "Curiouser and Curiouser" my choice of title is down to the original text where alice exclaims this line when entering Wonderland and also because i want to look at playing with the scale of the objects.

These are my initial designs for some of the props

Drink me Label:

Flamingo glass table:

Tiny gold key:

Detail: Key

1 comment:

  1. Some fine drawings here Lara - rich tonality in the pencil drawing of the key especially.
