About Me

I'm a Creative Arts for Theatre and Film student, attending the University for the Creative Arts in Rochester. I work with all kinds of media and materials and like to keep an open mind regarding art and my creations.

Wednesday 9 November 2011


Have been busy for the past couple of months undertaking the role of Production Designer for ViolaFilms production "Magwitch" a prequal to "Great Expectations." The short film is to be shown in February 2012 and is currently in the post-production stage.

Here are some previews of some of the sets I designed, dressed and created.


  1. Hi Lara - that looks like a very rewarding work placement project. It's good to see you're getting opportunity to be really creative on something so interesting - the idea of a prequel to Great Expectations is very intriguing..look forward to seeing the show. Do you have any more info/photos or details of what you've been doing?

  2. Hi Chris
    Thank you, yes the work placement has really made me realise where i want to focus my work now, I loved the production designing, currently waiting to see if another production design job is coming up! I have lots of photos and information on the film if you want to know more about it and its first being shown in feb 2012 at Rochester Cathedral. I'll let you know the date when i find out! Lara :)

  3. It would be great to see more photos and get more info on the film - and on the BBC Pfizer piece (the map of Kent looks suitably gooey). I'd like to do a short feature on your work experience on the CATF blog if you don't mind..? I could get the photos onto a memory stick and take it from there (or if they are not too big, you could email them to me..)
    Also, yes please do let me know the date of the screening and I will publicise that too. Hope more work comes your way soon, keep up the good work! :)

  4. That would be great, of course i don't mind. I'll sort out some photos for you or feel free to take them from this page ill write up some information on the production and the BBC piece, I'll send it all to you at some point this week, (inbetween dissertation fun!) Thank you, i'm waiting to hear back from another production for a production designing job! if not the company who produced "Magwitch" are wanting me to be involved in their next work! :)
